The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) spent two years preparing ‘Spiritualise - Revitalising spirituality to address 21st century challenges’ , written up by Dr Jonathan Rowson (2014). It is 94 pages long. We think it is one of the most important statements of the 21st Century so far. This is Nicholas’s 9 page summary of it. Be warned! It is dense. You may have to read some passages more than once and be prepared for some new vocabulary.
If it’s going to be a struggle, why bother to read it?
So much leadership development colludes with the idea that leaders, physician associates in your case, are instrumental cogs in the healthcare machine. This approach aims to increase your efficiency in doing required tasks. On Becoming takes a different view. We believe in your development as human beings. We see Improved practice is a by-product of this.
Underpinning On Becoming is our perspective of systems thinking. Systems thinking connects everything to everything else in the infinite complexity of total interdependency. This leads us to prioritise mutual empowerment through embodied wisdom in human relationships. The Spritualise Report expresses this perspective eloquently and comprehensively. The full Report is available online (